Wednesday, August 22, 2012

faux painting on kitchen cabiniets

yes, I know this does and will  illicitie cries of shock and woe....You cannot paint a cabinet they say!  Now what is the punishment for such an atrocious crime? Not fitting in and being mocked by my neighbors is not punishment for me, now having my hands chopped off for the horrendous crime would indeed be something worth mourning....but WAIT!  We are not merely painting the cabiniets but creating beautiful art with them in many steps.  We will show you how to do this in your own homes! It is so much easier than it appears or what people have told you.  You now hold the key to thrifty design right in your hands............................

           These are the pictures taken after all of the steps. 

1. wash cupboards down, use liquid sander on them and let dry
2. Remember to take off all the cabiniet doors and use sander of them too
3. Then Paint your cupboard, let dry 8 hours and paint again
4.after 16 hours you can start to deglaze.  This is the project that makes the cupboards look beautiful and can be put on many different ways.  We have a couple more back cabiniets to do, so we will be having a tutorial for you to watch how we put glaze on.
5. After glaze dries, you poly them, not once but twice.  You have to wait 24 hours to use the cupboards

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